Training since the age of 11, first in Judo, then Karate, Kick Boxing then Thai Boxing, Krav Maga.
Competing in Thai Boxing and Escrima, including the low armour formats.
Training under G.M. John Harvey since 1997.
Teaching his daughter and training in Luton they both went on to win many British Championship fights.
This page is a few videos, stills and memories of the many talented people I have had the pleasure to train with

Over the years i have had the pleasure of training and sparring with G.M. John Harvey, Guro Pat O’Malley and so many more, Thai Boxing, Rapid Combat System and many more.
My first Thai fight was a bit of a screw up, both Lewis and i were to fight other guys, but they pulled out, so i got to fight Lewis.
It was the fact that he was trying to knock me out that got me to fight, i did not want to fight a training partner!
I was glad i got the decision, must have been on looks tho.
Apart from loving Thai Boxing, its nice to bring weapons into play, heres a couple of low armour fights
Here are a few newspaper clips from when myself and my daughter Tanya were both winning

Here is a couple of clips of my daughter Tanya playing!
And a little knife drill

A little knock about in the garden after a private lesson, fortunately Mir was more bolloxed than me!

Silat Seminar with Guru Glenn Lobo

Training in Bruni martial arts with Master Maul Mornie. Another very talented man